AddThis Smart Layers

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Are individuals with autism capable of lying? If so, then how does that make you feel?

While watching the TV show, Good Doctor, I noticed the Autistic doctor started to tell lies. The Autistic doctor figured out something changed because he was not able to tell lies because of his diagnosis. However, the reason he started lying was because he liked another doctor, who worked at the hospital. The doctor did not understand his new emotions.

Ironically, I have also noticed my autistic child, has begun to lie. My child does not like because of love or least I hope not because he is 8 years old. The lies seem to fall under two categories:

  • To avoid punishment
  • To get something desired. 

Examples of my child lying

Example 1: At bedtime, my child claims he has to do a # 2. Sleeping is viewed as negative and must be avoided at any cost. I tell him to go to the restroom first and then go to bed. Problem solved. 

Example 2: Every time, my child hears a leaf blower, he tries to go look out the window. I will tell him not to look out the window. After his first request is denied, he tries to go to the restroom. Leaf blowing is something he finds interesting and he does not want to miss. 

I will never tell him not to use the restroom, so I make sure he does. Problem solved. 

Example 3: my child will tell me he ate all his food when he did not. He will say anything to get out of eating something, he does not want. 

I find myself more excited than angry about this development. How strange is that?

Please understand I do not want him to learn lying is good and acceptable, but he realized on his own lying serves a purpose. 

In other words, he is using lying, just like any child would. 

A few years ago, I would have never believed my Autistic child would be capable of lying at all. 

Even if I am wrong about his understanding of lying, he did lie to avoid eating foods, he did not like. He did lie to avoid sleep and he did lie to avoid punishment. 

Ultimately, this means he is one step closer to behaving as a typical 8-year-old child and not as a child with Autism. 

@2014 JSmithjr/The Coupon Hustla.

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